Activity Intro
Our Boogie Tots classes are high energy and exciting, designed to challenge and stimulate children. Our lessons are run with thematic approach whereby the music and movement and crafts activities are built around the theme. Our music and movement activities create wonderful adventures and imagination, whether it’s trekking through the jungle looking for animals, or zooming to the moon! We play lots of games, allowing children to learn valuable social skills whilst having fun together. At Babytots@play, our aim is not just to teach music, but to allow and encourage young children to develop, grow and explore the world around them through music, songs and play. 1. Multi-sensory Play 2. Music & Movement 3. Speech Development 4. Bonding 5. Confidence 6. Creativity 7. Friendship 8. Fun and more
Activities: - Music & Movement - Percussion playtime and listening skill - Early numeracy and language play - Sensory Play - Art & Craft - Follow Instructions and more
Terms & Conditions
No class on 5th week and no class on public holiday, no replacement.
Babytots At Play
Joined since Jun 2020 · 5.0 (No review yet)
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Boogie Tots (2.5 – 4 year old)
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Boogie Tots (2.5 – 4 year old)
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